


Ants come in all shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common, they are pests. Determining what type of ants you have in your home can help to identify the underlying problems that are attracting them. The ant experts at US Best can identify, track, and exterminate the ants in your home. Some of the more common ants that make their way into homes include:

Odorous House Ants
One of the most common household ants is the Odorous House Ant. They get their name for the distinct odor they give off when they are crushed. They are small, dark brown or black, and are usually found around counters of floorboards searching for food.

Pavement Ants
Pavement Ants live outside, making their homes under sidewalks and stairways. While they are usually found outdoors, they like to roam indoors in search of food. These ants are fans of sugary foods but also favor greasy meats as well.

Ghost Ants
Ghost Ants get their name from their opaque abdomens and legs. The rest of their bodies are usually darker in color. These ants were customarily found in the State of Florida but have made their way up the coast. They are found in warm buildings and favor sweet foods.

Carpenter Ants
Carpenter Ants are easy to identify by their larger bodies and darker color. While Carpenter Ants usually do not live in your home, finding them inside could be a warning sign of more significant problems. Carpenter Ants like to live in decaying wood. If they are inside your home, you may want to have your home inspected.

Rover Ants
One of the smallest ants on this list is the Rover Ant. While they may be harder to see as they usually carry crumbs much larger than their bodies. Rover Ants are pale in color, and they are often found in large numbers on the lid of your sugar jar or honey container.

If you have an ant infestation and need a professional pest company to get them out, trust the experts at US Best Pest Control. Keeping safety first, our team provides Eco-Friendly services to ensure you and your pets stay safe throughout the extermination. Call our team today for a free quote.
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